Archive: 2022-03-31

Lista: Dagens Insynsaffärer Styrelseledamot I Bico Köper Aktier För 1, 9 Miljoner Kronor

Lista: Dagens Insynsaffärer Styrelseledamot I Bico Köper Aktier För 1, 9 Miljoner Kronor

Rapportflod Och Köpvärda Aktier


Vi får även sony ericsson så kallat heritage armor för orcs och människor, vilka innebär att mire får nytt transmogs set om vi levlar upp en människa eller orc utan att använda oss av ”hjälp-armor”. Just nu kan vi få traditions armor på följande raser Dark Iron Dwarf, Highmountain Tauren, Kul Tiran Human, Lightforged Draenei, Mag’har Orc, Mechagnome, Nightborne, Void Elf, Vulpera, Zandalari Troll. [newline]Genom att leva uppe till lvl 50 och genomföra heritage quest. Blizzard finns släppa sex st innehållspatchar under 2023. Av dessa finns två stycken pica av större karaktär, inkluderat nya zoner, raids och säsongs-belöningar.

Ät lunch med någon då o då som innehåller andra erfarenheter”, säger jämställdhetsstrategen Camilla Wagner till Omni Ekonomi. Fed-chefen i Philadelphia, Tanker Harker, spår att kärninflationen kommer att ligga kring 2 % i år och tillägger enligt Direkt att det krävs prisökningar på över three or more procent innan de är dags för

Fysisk Person Får Sanktionsavgift För Sen Insynsanmälan I Northbaze Group

Finansinspektionen upphäver sitt beslut från den 16 january 2020 om sanktion för underlåtenhet f?r att inom föreskriven tid anmäla transaktion mediterranean aktier i Wise Energy Sweden Group AB (publ). A ska betala sobre sanktionsavgift på kronor för att för sent ha anmält en transaktion mediterranean aktier i HMS Networks AB until Finansinspektionen. A skall betala en sanktionsavgift på kronor för att för delivered ha anmält en transaktion med aktier i ADONnews Sweden AB till Finansinspektionen.

  • Stockholmsbörsens stängning i går.
  • kärninflationen kommer att ligga kring 2 % i år och tillägger enligt
  • Under samma period har man nettosålt i Engelska skolan (back twenty-two % i år), ABB (upp 7 % i år), Intrum (upp 16 % i år) och Fabege (upp 30 % i actually år).
  • Calixto Global Investors VINYLSKIVA ska betala särskild avgift på kronor för att för sent ha anmält till Finansinspektionen f?r att en kort nettoposition i aktier we Fingerprint Cards ABDOMINAL uppnått ett related tröskelvärde för anmälan.

”Ingen anställd, person i ledningsgruppen eller styrelseledamot i actually Leovegas har delgetts några misstankar omkring brott”, skrev bolaget. Mannen misstänks ‘ läckt hemlig information om ett stundande miljardbud – exempelvis ledde till att aktien senare rusade i värde. För NGM MTF gäller samma regler exempelvis för First North Axiers Insynslista omfattar av dessa skäl endast insynspersoner på Nasdaq OMX, NGM samt AktieTorget.

Fysisk Person Får Sanktionsavgift För Sen Flaggning I Reinhold Europe

utförsäljningarna, anser XM-analytikern Marios Hadjikyriacos. Under första kvartalet 2019 nettoköpte Öresund aktier i Attendo (back 5 % i actually år), Ovzon (back 22 % i actually år), Nordea (back 8 % i actually år), Bilia (upp 4 % i år). Under liknande period har guy nettosålt i Engelska skolan (back twenty-two % i år), ABB (upp 7 % i år), Intrum (upp of sixteen % i år) och Fabege (upp 30 % we regler och villkor år). Man sitter på ganska mycket lyckats köpa förlorarna & sälja vinnarna skulle man kunna säga. Även om sparande i aktier och fonder gett historiskt god avkastning över tid finns inga garantier för framtida avkastning. I nyhetsbrevet Toppnyheter får man de absolut vitalaste och senaste näringslivsnyheterna när de händer – direkt i actually din inkorg.

  • Friska idéer exempelvis ännu inte burit frukt för under 2018 åstadkom Öresund en blygsam ökning av substansvärdet på 9 %.
  • Mackay Shields LLC ska betala särskild avgift på kronor för att för sent ha anmält till Finansinspektionen m?jligheten att en kort nettoposition i aktier i actually RaySearch Laboratories ABDOMINAL (publ) uppnått ett relevant tröskelvärde för anmälan.
  • Forschung stöder uppfattningen att den h?r typ av wirtschaft fungerar bäst när den görs egenartat, inte kollektivt och många andra varianter gör.
  • Här har mulighed for at du enkelt & smidigt söka framm?t all insynshandel på bolag eller individual.
  • De är m?nga g?nger mer medvetna än analytiker eller portföljförvaltare, och har sobre intim kunskap om cykliska trender.

Börskollen frånsäger sig allt du kan tänka dig ansvar för eventuell förlust eller skada av vad slag det må va som grundar sej på användandet audio-video material härrörande från tjänsten Börskollen. En toppchef i kasinobolaget Leovegas och två till personer misstänks för grov insiderhandel, avslöjar Aftonbladet på fredagen. Mannen misstänks ha läckt hemlig information om 1st stundande miljardbud från MGM. – Ärendet handlar i grunden om att durante person på bolaget har haft details som inte är offentlig och exempelvis är kurspåverkande när den offentliggörs. Då kan man uppfylla på att ta några positioner inför offentliggörandet och då är det övriga personer som innehåller handlat i living room här aktien, säger kammaråklagare Pontus Edinburgh om misstankarna.

Sebi Keeping Får Sanktionsavgift För Sen Och Felaktig Insynsanmälan I Devport

Cat Wilde and typically the Pyramids of Dead är en ny spelautomat från Play’n GO. Spelet är inspirerat av den populära bokserien “The Cat Wilde Chronicles” och har huvudpersonen Cat Wilde exempelvis huvudperson. Svenska spelbolag uppnådde en rekordomsättning på 27, some miljarder kronor 2022, en ökning med 5, 1% jämfört med 2021.

  • Vi bjuder också på nyheter kring Afv-portföljen och Insiderkollen.
  • Men vinstprognosen va sämre
  • A ska betala sobre sanktionsavgift på kronor för att för sent ha anmält transaktioner med aktier i MSC Team AB och Amnode AB till Finansinspektionen.
  • Ledarnas och styrelseledamöternas insiderkunskaper ger värdefulla insikter om företagets framtidsutsikter.
  • Då kan man passa på att tag några positioner inför offentliggörandet och då är det andra förare personer som har handlat i den här aktien, säger kammaråklagare Pontus Hamilton om misstankarna.

Av detta följer f?r att Finansinspektionens lista bara omfattar insynspersoner i bolag på Nasdaq OMX och Nordic Growth Market, NGM, men inte Primary North, AktieTorget eller NGMs underlista, Nordic MTF. Insynspersoner på AktieTorget rapporterar inte till Finansinspektionen i avsaknad av till AktieTorget centralt. I denna spot släpps en rakt igenom ny uppdragskampanj i actually nya Forbidden Get to. Det är där Dractyrherna startar & vi får reda på ännu mera om dem.

Gaming Corps Vidtar Rättsliga Åtgärder Mot Tidigare Konsult

Här har mulighed for du enkelt & smidigt söka fram all insynshandel på bolag eller individual. Insiderhandel är durante mycket knepig sak och det existerar många sätt för en chef m?jligheten att göra fel. Vissa insiders köper right up until exempel aktier när de vet f?r att priset kommer f?r att stiga, även omkring die Aktien i actually företaget i fråga har sjunkit betydligt under de sista veckorna eller månaderna.

  • Tiger Global Management LLC ska pröjsa särskild avgift på kronor för f?r att för sent anordna anmält att sobre kort nettoposition i Hennes & Mauritz AB hade uppnått relevant tröskelvärde för anmälan till FI.
  • Efter f?r att upphandlingen presenterats weg LeoVegas aktie mediterranean hela 40 procent.
  • ❤️ Prenumerera på vårt nyhetsbrev med handplockade nyheter och ladda ner vår app för bolagsbevakning.
  • ärende och i actually övrigt har bolaget inga kommentarer”, uppger Oscar Properties. [newline]Enligt Ekobrottsmyndigheten gäller misstankarna insiderbrott, skriver DI.

Det skriver fastighetsbolaget utefter uppgifter om m?jligheten att polisen genomfört sobre razzia i företagets lokaler i Stockholm. ”Bolaget samarbetar till fullo med EBM i detta ärende och i övrigt har bolaget inga kommentarer”, uppger Oscar Properties. [newline]Enligt Ekobrottsmyndigheten gäller misstankarna insiderbrott, skriver DALAM.

Gaming Corps Styrelse Skriver Ner Kung Fu Manufacturer Aktierna

05. twenty-five, svensk tid. Som helhet tappar asiatiska aktier till living area lägsta nivån på en månad, rapporterar Reuters. Rädsla för stigande inflation tynger börshumöret,

Intergiro Intl AB (publ) ska betala en sanktionsavgift på 8 miljoner kronor för att för delivered ha anmält transaktioner med aktier i actually Quickbit eu ABDOMINAL (publ) till Finansinspektionen. Samhällsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB ska pröjsa en sanktionsavgift på 3 miljoner kronor för överträdelser utav skyldigheten f?r att i rätt dar anmäla till Finansinspektionen att dess innehav i JM ABDOMINAL passerat flaggningsgränser. A ska betala sobre sanktionsavgift på kronor för att för sent ha anmält transaktioner med aktier i MSC Group AB och Amnode AB till Finansinspektionen. Relivo Holding Ltd, HE369608, ska bekosta en sanktionsavgift på 3 miljoner kronor för att för sent ha anmält transaktioner med obligationer i Zengun Party AB (publ) until Finansinspektionen.

Bracknor Investment Group Påkallar Utbyte Audio-video Konvertibler

❤️ Prenumerera på vårt nyhetsbrev med handplockade nyheter och ladda ner vår app för bolagsbevakning. Ekobrottsmyndigheten (EBM) har i dag inlett en förundersökning rörande misstänkt insiderhandel i Leo Vegas aktier. För sveriges spelare är den lägsta insatsen 1 krona och living room högsta insatsen är 1000 kronor.

  • För att kunna läsa alla analyser krävs en prenumeration på Affärsvärlden.
  • Market, NGM, men inte Initial North, AktieTorget elr NGMs underlista, Nordic MTF.
  • Det handlar om en anställd & inte en person i styrelse alternativt ledningsgrupp.

Stjärnporten AB bör betala en sanktionsavgift på 2 miljoner kronor för f?r att för sent anordna anmält en  transaktion med BTA i actually Zenergy AB until Finansinspektionen. Insynspersoner i de svenska börsbolagen är heta på köpknappen. Efter Q1-rapporterna har insynsköp we bland annat SKF, Collector och Bilia rapporterats in.

Greenvale Capital Får Avgift För Sen Blankningsanmälan

centralbanken att agera. I denna vecka finns fokus att ligga på inköpschefsindex från olika håll males också amerikanska sysselsättningen på fredag. Den svenska rapportsäsongen påbörjas så smått mediterranean flera fastighetsbolag på agendan. När viruskrisen klingar av borde investeringarna i sektorn öka rejält. Det ger långsiktig prospective trots frågetecknen kring kontorsmarknaden.

  • För NGM MTF gäller samma regler exempelvis för
  • Camilla Wagner until Omni Ekonomi.
  • Det finns en hel del nya händelser samt speciella omständigheter angånde årets Fotbolls VM 2022.

ha lämnat London för att stanna kvar i EUROPEAN. Enligt en genomgång har Dublin och Paris lockat klart flest företag. Det trots att Danmark redan 2017 skickade

Gaming Corps Erhåller Utbetalning Från Kvittningsemission Mediterranean Big M Talking To, Gem Samt Göran Ericsson

enligt CNBC o Bloomberg. En komposition av ”rädsla för att inflationen ska göra comeback” och en ”stretchad värdering” på vissa håll forefalder bakom

Havredryckstillverkaren Oatly siktar på en värdering på upp till motsvarande 80 miljarder kronor vid sin börsnotering i USA. Det Malmöbaserade bolaget planerar f?r att notera 97 miljoner aktier till sobre kurs i intervallet buck. Kommer utvärdera bolaget närmare i veckan för att konstruera beslut om den blir ett situation hos oss.

Brax Investments Får Sanktionsavgift För Sen Insynsanmälan I Nordic Flanges Group

Det kan ge deinem en fördel när det gäller m?jligheten att avgöra vilka Aktien de ska shoppa med för m?jligheten att maximera vinstmarginalerna, p? samma g?ng som de minimerar den risk exempelvis tas på uppdrag av andra investerare. Trots detta kanh?nda de inte veterinarian lika mycket om olika faktorer och påverkar affärsverksamheten. Nät-casino. se är en sida som jämför och informerar omkring svenska casinon på nätet. Webbplatsen innehåller betalda länkar från samarbetspartners. Bonusar & erbjudanden kan ändras eller avbrytas audio-video tredje part i avsaknad av notis. Därför kan Nät-casino inte hållas ansvarig för eventuellt felaktig information. Innehållet är riktat right up until personer över eighteen år bosatta we Sverige. – E har kommit till vår kännedom f?r att en anställd på bolaget har delgivits misstanke om insiderbrott.

  • Riksbanken höjde som väntat styrräntan med 50 punkter, och mer kan vänta i actually juni.
  • Helt klart har något hänt i Öresund och vi tycker inte att det ser bra lace så här långt.
  • intervallet buck.
  • Kommer utvärdera bolaget närmare i veckan för att konstruera beslut om den blir ett situation hos oss.

Detta följer på ett antal andra skandaler och har drabbat branschen utanför Sverige para senaste åren, bland annat anklagelser omkring penningtvätt och korruptheit. Leovegas Casino har meddelat tidigare i år att de kommer att vidta åtgärder för f?r att förhindra framtida incidenter i företaget. Detta är inte första gången som Leovegas är indraget i kontroverser. Uppköpsbudet offentliggjordes den 2 maj. Aktiehandeln som living room misstänkta trion kopplas till inför offentliggörandet misstänks ha genererat miljonvinster, uppger Stalinsky. En av männen har en högt uppsatt position på spelbolaget och ska ha varit närvarande vid själva razzian. Cirka 440 finansiella verksamheter och jobb tros

Lista: Dagens Insynsaffärer Styrelseledamot I Bico Köper Aktier För 1, 9 Miljoner Kronor

Lista: Dagens Insynsaffärer Styrelseledamot I Bico Köper Aktier För 1, 9 Miljoner Kronor

Rapportflod Och Köpvärda Aktier


Vi får även sony ericsson så kallat heritage armor för orcs och människor, vilka innebär att mire får nytt transmogs set om vi levlar upp en människa eller orc utan att använda oss av ”hjälp-armor”. Just nu kan vi få traditions armor på följande raser Dark Iron Dwarf, Highmountain Tauren, Kul Tiran Human, Lightforged Draenei, Mag’har Orc, Mechagnome, Nightborne, Void Elf, Vulpera, Zandalari Troll. [newline]Genom att leva uppe till lvl 50 och genomföra heritage quest. Blizzard finns släppa sex st innehållspatchar under 2023. Av dessa finns två stycken pica av större karaktär, inkluderat nya zoner, raids och säsongs-belöningar.

Ät lunch med någon då o då som innehåller andra erfarenheter”, säger jämställdhetsstrategen Camilla Wagner till Omni Ekonomi. Fed-chefen i Philadelphia, Tanker Harker, spår att kärninflationen kommer att ligga kring 2 % i år och tillägger enligt Direkt att det krävs prisökningar på över three or more procent innan de är dags för

Fysisk Person Får Sanktionsavgift För Sen Insynsanmälan I Northbaze Group

Finansinspektionen upphäver sitt beslut från den 16 january 2020 om sanktion för underlåtenhet f?r att inom föreskriven tid anmäla transaktion mediterranean aktier i Wise Energy Sweden Group AB (publ). A ska betala sobre sanktionsavgift på kronor för att för sent ha anmält en transaktion mediterranean aktier i HMS Networks AB until Finansinspektionen. A skall betala en sanktionsavgift på kronor för att för delivered ha anmält en transaktion med aktier i ADONnews Sweden AB till Finansinspektionen.

  • Stockholmsbörsens stängning i går.
  • kärninflationen kommer att ligga kring 2 % i år och tillägger enligt
  • Under samma period har man nettosålt i Engelska skolan (back twenty-two % i år), ABB (upp 7 % i år), Intrum (upp 16 % i år) och Fabege (upp 30 % i actually år).
  • Calixto Global Investors VINYLSKIVA ska betala särskild avgift på kronor för att för sent ha anmält till Finansinspektionen f?r att en kort nettoposition i aktier we Fingerprint Cards ABDOMINAL uppnått ett related tröskelvärde för anmälan.

”Ingen anställd, person i ledningsgruppen eller styrelseledamot i actually Leovegas har delgetts några misstankar omkring brott”, skrev bolaget. Mannen misstänks ‘ läckt hemlig information om ett stundande miljardbud – exempelvis ledde till att aktien senare rusade i värde. För NGM MTF gäller samma regler exempelvis för First North Axiers Insynslista omfattar av dessa skäl endast insynspersoner på Nasdaq OMX, NGM samt AktieTorget.

Fysisk Person Får Sanktionsavgift För Sen Flaggning I Reinhold Europe

utförsäljningarna, anser XM-analytikern Marios Hadjikyriacos. Under första kvartalet 2019 nettoköpte Öresund aktier i Attendo (back 5 % i actually år), Ovzon (back 22 % i actually år), Nordea (back 8 % i actually år), Bilia (upp 4 % i år). Under liknande period har guy nettosålt i Engelska skolan (back twenty-two % i år), ABB (upp 7 % i år), Intrum (upp of sixteen % i år) och Fabege (upp 30 % we regler och villkor år). Man sitter på ganska mycket lyckats köpa förlorarna & sälja vinnarna skulle man kunna säga. Även om sparande i aktier och fonder gett historiskt god avkastning över tid finns inga garantier för framtida avkastning. I nyhetsbrevet Toppnyheter får man de absolut vitalaste och senaste näringslivsnyheterna när de händer – direkt i actually din inkorg.

  • Friska idéer exempelvis ännu inte burit frukt för under 2018 åstadkom Öresund en blygsam ökning av substansvärdet på 9 %.
  • Mackay Shields LLC ska betala särskild avgift på kronor för att för sent ha anmält till Finansinspektionen m?jligheten att en kort nettoposition i aktier i actually RaySearch Laboratories ABDOMINAL (publ) uppnått ett relevant tröskelvärde för anmälan.
  • Forschung stöder uppfattningen att den h?r typ av wirtschaft fungerar bäst när den görs egenartat, inte kollektivt och många andra varianter gör.
  • Här har mulighed for at du enkelt & smidigt söka framm?t all insynshandel på bolag eller individual.
  • De är m?nga g?nger mer medvetna än analytiker eller portföljförvaltare, och har sobre intim kunskap om cykliska trender.

Börskollen frånsäger sig allt du kan tänka dig ansvar för eventuell förlust eller skada av vad slag det må va som grundar sej på användandet audio-video material härrörande från tjänsten Börskollen. En toppchef i kasinobolaget Leovegas och två till personer misstänks för grov insiderhandel, avslöjar Aftonbladet på fredagen. Mannen misstänks ha läckt hemlig information om 1st stundande miljardbud från MGM. – Ärendet handlar i grunden om att durante person på bolaget har haft details som inte är offentlig och exempelvis är kurspåverkande när den offentliggörs. Då kan man uppfylla på att ta några positioner inför offentliggörandet och då är det övriga personer som innehåller handlat i living room här aktien, säger kammaråklagare Pontus Edinburgh om misstankarna.

Sebi Keeping Får Sanktionsavgift För Sen Och Felaktig Insynsanmälan I Devport

Cat Wilde and typically the Pyramids of Dead är en ny spelautomat från Play’n GO. Spelet är inspirerat av den populära bokserien “The Cat Wilde Chronicles” och har huvudpersonen Cat Wilde exempelvis huvudperson. Svenska spelbolag uppnådde en rekordomsättning på 27, some miljarder kronor 2022, en ökning med 5, 1% jämfört med 2021.

  • Vi bjuder också på nyheter kring Afv-portföljen och Insiderkollen.
  • Men vinstprognosen va sämre
  • A ska betala sobre sanktionsavgift på kronor för att för sent ha anmält transaktioner med aktier i MSC Team AB och Amnode AB till Finansinspektionen.
  • Ledarnas och styrelseledamöternas insiderkunskaper ger värdefulla insikter om företagets framtidsutsikter.
  • Då kan man passa på att tag några positioner inför offentliggörandet och då är det andra förare personer som har handlat i den här aktien, säger kammaråklagare Pontus Hamilton om misstankarna.

Av detta följer f?r att Finansinspektionens lista bara omfattar insynspersoner i bolag på Nasdaq OMX och Nordic Growth Market, NGM, men inte Primary North, AktieTorget eller NGMs underlista, Nordic MTF. Insynspersoner på AktieTorget rapporterar inte till Finansinspektionen i avsaknad av till AktieTorget centralt. I denna spot släpps en rakt igenom ny uppdragskampanj i actually nya Forbidden Get to. Det är där Dractyrherna startar & vi får reda på ännu mera om dem.

Gaming Corps Vidtar Rättsliga Åtgärder Mot Tidigare Konsult

Här har mulighed for du enkelt & smidigt söka fram all insynshandel på bolag eller individual. Insiderhandel är durante mycket knepig sak och det existerar många sätt för en chef m?jligheten att göra fel. Vissa insiders köper right up until exempel aktier när de vet f?r att priset kommer f?r att stiga, även omkring die Aktien i actually företaget i fråga har sjunkit betydligt under de sista veckorna eller månaderna.

  • Tiger Global Management LLC ska pröjsa särskild avgift på kronor för f?r att för sent anordna anmält att sobre kort nettoposition i Hennes & Mauritz AB hade uppnått relevant tröskelvärde för anmälan till FI.
  • Efter f?r att upphandlingen presenterats weg LeoVegas aktie mediterranean hela 40 procent.
  • ❤️ Prenumerera på vårt nyhetsbrev med handplockade nyheter och ladda ner vår app för bolagsbevakning.
  • ärende och i actually övrigt har bolaget inga kommentarer”, uppger Oscar Properties. [newline]Enligt Ekobrottsmyndigheten gäller misstankarna insiderbrott, skriver DI.

Det skriver fastighetsbolaget utefter uppgifter om m?jligheten att polisen genomfört sobre razzia i företagets lokaler i Stockholm. ”Bolaget samarbetar till fullo med EBM i detta ärende och i övrigt har bolaget inga kommentarer”, uppger Oscar Properties. [newline]Enligt Ekobrottsmyndigheten gäller misstankarna insiderbrott, skriver DALAM.

Gaming Corps Styrelse Skriver Ner Kung Fu Manufacturer Aktierna

05. twenty-five, svensk tid. Som helhet tappar asiatiska aktier till living area lägsta nivån på en månad, rapporterar Reuters. Rädsla för stigande inflation tynger börshumöret,

Intergiro Intl AB (publ) ska betala en sanktionsavgift på 8 miljoner kronor för att för delivered ha anmält transaktioner med aktier i actually Quickbit eu ABDOMINAL (publ) till Finansinspektionen. Samhällsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB ska pröjsa en sanktionsavgift på 3 miljoner kronor för överträdelser utav skyldigheten f?r att i rätt dar anmäla till Finansinspektionen att dess innehav i JM ABDOMINAL passerat flaggningsgränser. A ska betala sobre sanktionsavgift på kronor för att för sent ha anmält transaktioner med aktier i MSC Group AB och Amnode AB till Finansinspektionen. Relivo Holding Ltd, HE369608, ska bekosta en sanktionsavgift på 3 miljoner kronor för att för sent ha anmält transaktioner med obligationer i Zengun Party AB (publ) until Finansinspektionen.

Bracknor Investment Group Påkallar Utbyte Audio-video Konvertibler

❤️ Prenumerera på vårt nyhetsbrev med handplockade nyheter och ladda ner vår app för bolagsbevakning. Ekobrottsmyndigheten (EBM) har i dag inlett en förundersökning rörande misstänkt insiderhandel i Leo Vegas aktier. För sveriges spelare är den lägsta insatsen 1 krona och living room högsta insatsen är 1000 kronor.

  • För att kunna läsa alla analyser krävs en prenumeration på Affärsvärlden.
  • Market, NGM, men inte Initial North, AktieTorget elr NGMs underlista, Nordic MTF.
  • Det handlar om en anställd & inte en person i styrelse alternativt ledningsgrupp.

Stjärnporten AB bör betala en sanktionsavgift på 2 miljoner kronor för f?r att för sent anordna anmält en  transaktion med BTA i actually Zenergy AB until Finansinspektionen. Insynspersoner i de svenska börsbolagen är heta på köpknappen. Efter Q1-rapporterna har insynsköp we bland annat SKF, Collector och Bilia rapporterats in.

Greenvale Capital Får Avgift För Sen Blankningsanmälan

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Is AssangeDAO a successful crypto project?

Originally contained in the PDF NFT on OpenSea


Democracy and freedom have been disgraced in this magical age, but they make business sense. From AssangeDAO, we can’t help thinking that the so-called Internet culture, democracy and freedom, the spirit of Crypto, these seem to be nonsense, when the bear market may be worthless.

1. Positioning and brief comments

AssangeDAO is a wonderful and typical Rug Pull (No official website, no whitepapers, no code security audits, no exchanges etc..).

Indeed, it’s a Rug Pull. But if a Rug Pull project attracts so much gold and attention, it can be the good project as well.

From an operational standpoint, it must be of great benefit to give such a high profile to a project.

Therefore, we should think of AssangeDAO as a phenomenon project, not as an imposing DAO organization.

Operation Score of AssangeDAO :

Storyline: ☆☆☆☆

Product layer: ☆☆☆☆

Investment side: ☆☆

Marketing point: ☆☆☆

Consensus degree: ☆☆☆☆☆

Overall score:☆☆☆

2. Storyline operation

AssangeDAO’s storyline is very simple: inspired by “People”, a group of People who believe in the spirit of decentralization want to raise money in the form of DAO, and then use the money to rescue Assange, the founder of Wikipedia.The setup is simple but ingenious, since Mr. Assange’s support of bitcoin has long been widely credited with being the catalyst for its transformation from “Satoshi’s Bitcoin” to “everyone’s Bitcoin.” In other words, Mr. Assange himself was a big part of the initial emergence of the DAO. This setup is very suitable for Western tastes and fully embodies the original spirit of DAO.

On the other hand, unlike the vague descriptions of other projects, AssangeDAO’s purpose is clear: to raise money to free Mr. Assange (Not going to discuss it works or not).

Next, see how the story plays out. From the beginning, the Internet was flooded with retweets of Assange DAO, some believed, others thought it was a scam, and the public opinion reached its climax on February 7. But the greed of the project’s sponsors, who had no reason to open a second round of donations and failed to appease a group of people, caused many donors to complain and scold. The turning point came when Ethereum founder “V-God” made a donation and spoke out publicly, which quickly calmed the anger.

When you look back on the drama surrounding AssangeDAO, does it sound like something you’ve read before? It is important to remember that “If the project is not controversial, the operation is not good”.

3. Product level operation

The product of this kind of DAO project is the website. In terms of storytelling logic, AssangeDAO’s official website, with black and white straightforward telling us 3 things:

1. A good reason with the project

2. “Just pay it” according the rules

3. Use NFT to move funds

This is a very clear expression of the operation of a project, first drainage, then collect money, finally cash out and leave. The opening lines and background on the website are a clear attempt to create conflict and define positions.

Creating a conflict between free Internet resentment and the justice of the judicial system. Define the position that crypto punk should take to fight for freedom. It also quoted Mr. Assange as saying that “one of the best ways to achieve justice is to expose injustice.”

There, this is the nobility, this is what makes you pay.

As stated on the website, the project was inspired by the Free Ross DAO. They are smarter, of course, and Mr. Assange’s subject matter is easier to stand on the high ground of justice. Rescuing the founder of the Dark Web Silk Road is surely less compelling than rescuing Mr. Assange.

Websites raising money for THE DAO project must write the copy clearly and clearly, otherwise no one will put money into an unknown project, after all, this kind of project does not have DeFi’s APY magic mines, and there is no imagination space of the metaverse.

4. Investment operation

Smart operations or product managers will make it easier for customers to pay. The way to invest in AssangeDAO is very simple: go to JuiceBox DAO and pay. Note that I used the term “invest”, not “donate.” If you donate with an investment attitude, congratulations on gaining “Justice” but losing money quickly.

Smart AssangeDAO operators must know that most people have no idea who Mr. Assange is, and don’t care if he has a stroke or a wedding in a London jail, even if he is extradited back to the US, locked up in Arkham madhouse, Batman and Joker are Fxxking his ass. So, An investor without operational thinking is likely to be reaped. Once they learn about the project, they will most likely Google who Mr. Assange, Julian is, research his background in revealing American secrets, and then get excited, brainless, and gamble to see if their “righteous deed” turns into a windfall.

Then pay with brainless rush. An investor with an operational mindset is likely to drive the project.


Most of them don’t come from a liberal democratic background, they don’t discuss whether the judicial system is fair or not, they don’t think about whether Mr. Assange, Julian is guilty or not, they are looking at whether the project has the heat, whether it has the Fomo sentiment, whether it should be speculation or investment.

Then pay to try it out.In this case, the project’s audience is likely to pay regardless of whether they have an operational mindset.

There is almost no threshold for crowdfunding DAO projects, anyone can tell a story, and sustainable development is nonsense in this track. Realizing fundraising and realizing goals are often two different things, so the risk of investment and speculation is very high.

5. Marketing operation

When it comes to Mr. Assange’s marketing boom, there is a “ConstituionDAO”, also called “People”. AssangeDAO’s donation attracted a large number of speculators as “People” rose by tens of times and the effect of creating wealth was remarkable.

To put it simply, the profit model of such projects cannot be separated from the marketing model. When there are more people, money will be made. With the promotion of Giant Whale, everyone will pay for Fomo, and then the price will rise.

Projects about “Assange” and “People” are released on JuiceBox DAO every day, but what are the good projects?

With Fomo, there will be heat; with heat, people will donate money; with more money, there will be a strong consensus; with a strong consensus, there will be growth and money. This is a good project on the DAO track.

AssangeDAO’s marketing efforts have been minimal, with only the Assange name and the inclusion of Assange’s brother and fiancée as partners are enough to attract attention.

The marketing point of the program was to get hot, but it just didn’t get what it expected. Perhaps it would be more interesting if AssangeDAO could go a step further and draw a bigger pie for donors and investors — that is, a clearer picture of the future use of governance tokens, if only conceptually. For example, it is used to vote for the next “Good Samaritans” to rescue DAO, DAO again after DAO.

We all know that effective marketing for blockchain projects tends to be about the future, not the present.

6. Consensus operation

To put it bluntly, the consensus of a project is to look at the community. The community of the project is divided into two groups: donors and speculators. Donors are mostly wealthy.

Some of them may be rich parties who really want to save him and then donate a large amount. Such a group of people donated more than 60% of the total amount, and the amount of donation was more than dozens of ETH.

The point is that there are blockchain celebrities like “V-God”. Although he only donated 10 ETH, the impact of his brand far exceeds the investment amount.

Is there a project that doesn’t want to have something to do with this brand? If Polkadot founder didn’t have the title of Ethereum co-founder, it wouldn’t be as popular in marketing as it is now. Speculators are mostly small retail investors.

The purpose of joining the two groups in the community is different. That is to say, people of different classes have different views on the same thing.


Therefore, when Assange DAO made it clear that there was only one fundraising round, he added an additional round of fundraising, causing controversy in the organization.

Because the consensus of donors is spiritual, the consensus of speculators is economic. If you look at it from an operational standpoint, you’ll see that this kind of “conflict event” leads to a mouthwatering discussion of the entire project. It is not so much the idea of AssangeDAO’s project as the deafening volume of the community’s controversial issues.

AssangeDAO has not responded positively to the community’s doubts about secondary fundraising and NFT, and the unusual explanation is far-fetched. Because in the eyes of high-quality operators, the focus is not on the survival of reasonable and legal projects.

Anyway, regardless of whether it was intentional or accidental, AssangeDAO succeeded in building community consensus.

The so-called degree of consensus is not the unanimous voice of the mob, but the contradiction and contention of opposing classes.

7.Summary and inspiration

Taken together, the AssangeDAO project is clever, but shameful. Smart because of their business strategy; Shame because of the way they cashed out.

According to the website, the $55 million ETH they raised will be used to bid on NFT, and the proceeds from NFT will be used to pay for Assange’s rescue.

Regardless of whether this NFT is good or bad, if we follow normal logic,Why go round and bid for NFT when the project’s $55 million will go straight to Assange’s lawsuit? It is obviously going from left to right, embezzled funds, then cashed out.

Smart operation leads to wealth. If AssangeDAO failed to achieve fame and fortune, it must be that the operators suddenly lost their wisdom in the cashing link. Maybe they are not as powerful as I imagined, and all the magic skills are just a metaphysical coincidence. DAO is a good way for a project to quickly build consensus and raise funds to jumpstart a business plan in the current environment.

However, a good startup form does not mean the whole of this project. How to promote the sustainable development of DAO mode should be what every blockchain industry operator should think about.

AssangeDAO’s idea is good, it came with a good reason, and the mood of Fomo is relaxed. However, because of secondary fundraising and NFT liquidation, it makes people feel difficult to cope with each other. Fortunately, the brand is good and will not be blocked in the middle way.

To think

“You wouldn’t even care if Mr. Assange was sentenced to 175 or 1750 if it wasn’t for the fact that Mr. Assange became a blockbuster and had the potential to make money. It wouldn’t make you 1.75USDT more.”

“While AssangeDAO got off to a good start, it didn’t have a really loyal group of supporters like “People” to get the project going.”

“This project tells a big, empathetic story that people love to hear. At the same time, from the perspective of profit-driven, the mechanism of airdrop also caused fomo sentiment in the public.”

“AssangeDAO is not a real long-term investment, the so-called DAO spirit is all grandiose nonsense.”

Originally contained in the PDF NFT on Opensea. If you are interested in 0x90’s report, please follow us via or subscribe the website

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Entrar en Pin Up Casino ᐉ Cómo entrar en un casin

Entrar en Pin Up Casino ᐉ Cómo entrar en un casino

Cómo registrarse en Pin Up Casino

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El botón “iniciar sesión” está en la esquina superior derecha del sitio principal. Haga clic en él, después de lo cual el usuario tiene que introducir su nombre de usuario y la contraseña real. Pin Up Casino ofrece la opción de jugar en línea tanto con dinero real como en modo gratuito. Las versiones demo de los juegos son completamente gratuitas, ya que sirven como pruebas para los jugadores. Estas máquinas permiten a los usuarios adquirir habilidades y experiencia valiosas en el manejo de las tragaperras.

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Una vez que hagas clic en él, la descarga se iniciará automáticamente. Para los usuarios de iOS, abre la App Store y busca “Pin Up Casino”. Para los usuarios de Pin Up Android, ve a Google Play Store y busca “Pin Up Casino”. Así, para las nuevas apuestas, hay bonificaciones de primer depósito del 100% o más sobre el saldo de bonificación. Si prefiere hacer una llamada desde su teléfono móvil, también hay una opción para usted. A través del chat en directo, puede resolver el problema con bastante rapidez, literalmente en línea.

Un enorme mundo de los mejores juegos y tragaperras en línea te espera en el casio website Perù. Puedes jugar a la ruleta online como un juego individual con el casino. O elige la opción en vivo y juega por dinero real en una mesa real con jugadores de otros países. A través de la aplicación Pin Up Casino, el inicio de sesión se realiza de forma tradicional, utilizando un nombre de usuario y una contraseña. Tras registrarse a través de la app, todos los datos se introducen en la memoria del dispositivo.

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Vale la pena señalar que no todos los casinos en el mercado pueden presumir de esto. Al elegir una tragamonedas de un proveedor en particular, debe prestar atención a su RTP y volatilidad. Los principales desarrolladores, incluidos NetEnt, Endorphina, Play n Go, Spinomenal y muchos otros, ofrecen máquinas tragamonedas con una tasa de devolución de al menos el 96 %.

  • El casino cuenta con una licencia válida y cumple con todas las regulaciones establecidas, lo que garantiza un entorno de juego seguro y justo.
  • Además, gracias a su compromiso con la seguridad y la transparencia, puedes jugar con total tranquilidad, sabiendo que tus datos personales y financieros están protegidos.
  • Como uno de los principales casinos virtuales, Pin Up casino ofrece una amplia gama de métodos de pago, lo que brinda a los jugadores acceso a métodos fáciles de depósito y retiro.
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El “Pin-Up Casino withdrawal time” se refiere al tiempo que toma realizar estos tres pasos. En general, este tiempo puede variar dependiendo de diversos factores, como el método de pago seleccionado por el jugador y la cantidad de dinero a retirar. Sin embargo, Pin-Up Casino se esfuerza por mantener este tiempo lo más corto posible, lo cual es una gran ventaja para los jugadores. Además, la tragaperras Aviator guarda un historial de los últimos despegues del Lucky Plane.

Apuestas Deportivas en Pin-up Casino

Sus tragamonedas tienen temáticas emocionantes y ganancias potenciales impresionantes. Hace poco probé el juego de jackpot progresivo y ¡gané un premio sustancial! Además, la interfaz del casino es sencilla de usar, lo que facilita la navegación y el acceso a los juegos. Definitivamente, mi opción número uno para el entretenimiento en línea. Los bonos que ya hayan sido activados deben apostarse, teniendo en cuenta la apuesta. El cliente debe realizar apuestas en las máquinas tragamonedas por una cantidad igual al tamaño de la recompensa multiplicado por el valor de la apuesta.

  • Allí encontrarás el símbolo de dos conversaciones listo para que accedas a él.
  • Recibirá un correo electrónico del casino a la dirección de correo electrónico que proporcionó al registrarse.
  • En la mayoría de los casos, los métodos de pago son uno de los factores más importantes a la hora de elegir un establecimiento virtual.
  • La interfaz se ajusta automáticamente al tamaño de la pantalla de tu dispositivo.
  • El sitio web oficial de Pin-Up ofrece a todos los jugadores docenas de tipos de juegos en línea.

La cooperación con los mejores fabricantes del mundo de tragaperras, ruletas, juegos en vivo y otros entretenimientos de juego es una ventaja importante de Pin Up Casino. El sitio es el primero en ofrecer nuevas tragaperras en línea, versiones mejoradas de la ruleta y juegos de cartas en vivo. Si te registraste en el casino a través de una cuenta en una red social, la autorización será diferente. El sistema interactúa con redes sociales tan populares como Facebook o Google.

¿Qué categorías de juegos se presentan en Pin Up Peru?

Además de la versión de escritorio, Pin Up Casino también ofrece una aplicación móvil funcional. Pin Up es un sitio de apuestas seguro, que utiliza tecnología SSL para proteger tus datos en todo momento.

  • Pin-Up Casino es una marca global y admite más de 30 idiomas, por lo que los jugadores siempre podrán encontrar un idioma en el que se sientan cómodos jugando.
  • En Pin Up encontrarás todos los famosos juegos retransmitidos de los principales proveedores.
  • Para las apuestas en máquinas tragamonedas, el dinero se retira del monto depositado y las ganancias se abonan en el depósito.
  • Aquí tienes una guía rápida sobre cómo instalar la aplicación para móviles en tu smartphone o PC.

La razón puede ser sin duda la gran cantidad de tragamonedas megaways que cuentan con alta volatilidad y altos pagos. El servicio de apoyo Pin Up Casino funciona excelente al momento de buscar las soluciones más acertadas para los problemas del usuarios. Al ser una plataforma con juegos de azar, apuestas deportivas, mercados en eSports y mucho más es frecuente que surgan preguntas por aclarar. Solo los usuarios adultos pueden registrarse en una institución virtual y jugar con dinero real. Pin Up Casino se destaca por su amplia variedad de juegos, desde los clásicos de casino como la ruleta y el blackjack, hasta las tragamonedas más modernas y populares.

¿Es posible descargar su aplicación en Android?

Después de permitir el uso de los datos de la cuenta de la red social, el sitio del casino pasa de nuevo a la página de la cuenta personal. Es por eso que, pese a que esta es nuestra recomendación, el usuario es quien siempre tendrá la total libertad de escoger lo que desee. Cuanto mayor sea el número de mercados y apuestas disponibles, más opciones tendrás para colocar tus pronósticos. La casa de apuestas recomienda la autoexclusión cuando se piensa que ya hay un problema con el juego. Contactar al equipo de soporte a través del chat en directo es tarea sencilla, además de uno de los métodos favoritos para los apostadores.

  • Además, el equipo de atención al cliente está disponible las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, para atender cualquier pregunta o problema que puedan surgir.
  • Pin up Casino te da la oportunidad de jugar a la mayoría de las tragaperras en modo demo sin registrarte.
  • Los usuarios pueden continuar con sus actividades mientras esperan la resolución de sus inconvenientes.
  • Es importante investigar más a fondo y considerar tus propias preferencias antes de tomar una decisión.

Para acceder a su cuenta personal a través del espejo de trabajo, deberá introducir su nombre de usuario y contraseña, que se utilizaron durante el registro. La autorización se realiza de la forma habitual, a través del teléfono móvil y un código de confirmación SMS.

Registro e inicio de sesión en Pin Up Casino

Desde su lanzamiento, este casino ha logrado destacarse en el mercado por su sólida reputación y el compromiso de brindar una experiencia de juego de primer nivel a sus usuarios. Finalmente, los juegos del casino poseen su respectiva versión gratuita para que domines las reglas generales y no pierdas dinero. Aún así, si posees alguna duda en tus apuestas podrás consultar al equipo para atención al cliente. Todos los proveedores presentados son muy populares entre los casinos en línea y han demostrado ser los mejores.

Además, el casino opera con licencias y regulaciones adecuadas, garantizando un entorno de juego seguro y justo. Puedes descargar el archivo de instalación en el sitio web oficial, en la sección “Casino Móvil”. El archivo pesa menos de 25 MB y no requiere ninguna configuración adicional. La plataforma de Pin Up Casino está diseñada considerando las últimas tendencias y avances en la industria del juego, y su licencia de Curazao asegura la máxima protección para sus clientes. Descubramos las sorpresas que aguardan tanto a los nuevos clientes como a los usuarios habituales de Pin Up Casino en esta revisión detallada.

Versión móvil de Pin Up casino

Para acceder al gabinete personal, debe introducir la contraseña correcta e iniciar sesión. El moderno Pin Up casino ofrece una gran cantidad de métodos de pago populares para transacciones de dinero rápido. Se realizan mediante encriptación de datos SSL, lo que garantiza su máxima seguridad y total confidencialidad. Todas las operaciones relacionadas con los fondos se realizan en el gabinete personal del usuario. En la sección “Caja” debe seleccionar un método adecuado de los muchos disponibles, especificar el monto del depósito y realizar una transacción.

  • Comprobación de Google – este método es el más fácil si tienes miedo de subir documentos, sin embargo, necesitarás tu teléfono para este método.
  • El Pin Up casino tiene la licencia adecuada y cuenta con una excelente reputación en línea.
  • Para registrarte y luego entrar en el armario personal evitando el bloqueo, tendrás que utilizar un espejo que funcione.
  • Muchos jugadores recuerdan los días en que era fácil jugar a las máquinas tragaperras.

Si eres un usuario de iOS, puedes encontrar la aplicación Pin Up iOS en la App Store. Una vez que hayas encontrado la aplicación, haz clic en “Descargar” y espera a que se instale en tu dispositivo.

Únase a millones de apostantes y haga apuestas de fútbol en Pin Up.

Le otorgaremos créditos de apuesta de la misma cantidad de su ingreso válido (hasta $3,000). Como es natural en los juegos y las apuestas en general, el empate puede ser algo muy común. A pesar de que se emplea el famoso foto finish, puede suceder que no haya un ganador. En esos raros casos, la cantidad que se apostó será dividida en partes iguales. Ten en cuenta que la aplicación móvil Pin-Up Bet solo está disponible para dispositivos Android. Si usas un dispositivo iOS, aún tienes la versión móvil a tu disposición.

  • Al igual que con la versión de Android, es posible que se te pida que concedas algunos permisos a la aplicación.
  • Todas las tragaperras y juegos de la mesa tienen tasas de pago fijas y otros parámetros de rendimiento.
  • Los casinos online suelen ser un nuevo mundo para los jugadores que buscan obtener ganancias rápidas.

Las posibilidades de ganar en tales tragamonedas son lo más altas posible. Además de casinos en línea, también puedes apostar en una gran variedad de deportes en el sitio web de Pin Up.

Otros juegos

Para los amantes de las apuestas deportivas, Pin Up Casino ofrece una sección dedicada donde los usuarios pueden apostar en una amplia gama de eventos deportivos y competiciones de eSports. Las cuotas competitivas y la diversidad de mercados disponibles hacen de este casino un lugar ideal para los apostadores. Toma en cuenta que los retiros pueden resultar tediosos y debes atenerte a las políticas de verificación del casino. Sí, Pin Up cuenta con una casa de apuestas deportivas que ofrece una cobertura total de eventos en vivo. Puedes hacer clic en la pestaña “En Vivo” para acceder a los eventos a los que puedes apostar en tiempo real.

  • Por supuesto, muchos de los juegos tienen características adicionales diseñadas para hacer que la tragaperras sea única y diversificar el sencillo pasatiempo del jugador.
  • Siga los consejos de esta página para que su experiencia con casio Perù official website sea lo más positiva posible.
  • Una gran ventaja del sitio web de onlinecasino es que puedes utilizar la aplicación móvil.

Puedes inscribirte en Pin Up a través de las redes sociales, por correo electrónico, por teléfono o mediante un formulario de inscripción rápida. Nadie tendrá problemas con esto, ya que hacer un depósito es muy fácil. Independientemente del país, cada jugador encontrará un sistema de pago con el que se sienta cómodo. Por el momento, el casino Pin Up ofrece los sistemas de pago más populares. Estos son Visa, Mastercard, Piastrixs, Perfect Money, Bitcoin, Etherium, Tether y depósitos de teléfonos inteligentes. No necesitas registrarte de nuevo para iniciar sesión en la aplicación Pin Up.

Descarga la aplicación Pin Up Casino

OBTENGA AYUDA E INFORMACIÓN DEL JUEGO EN LA SUPERINTENDENCIA DE CASINOS DE JUEGO O CORPORACIÓN JUEGO RESPONSABLE EN PERÚ. Si bien nuestro objetivo es brindarle información precisa sobre formas seguras de jugar en línea, muchos de los enlaces de CasinosReales son enlaces de afiliados.

  • Además, se sumará a las emociones positivas e incluso se pueden encontrar nuevos amigos con las mismas aficiones e intereses en pin-up-casino.
  • Este casino online, con su estética vintage y su amplia gama de opciones de entretenimiento, se ha convertido en una de las plataformas más populares para los jugadores peruanos.
  • Una gran ventaja del sitio es que puedes obtener bonos extra por registrarte.
  • Pin-up Casino muestra su aprecio a los jugadores peruanos con una generosa oferta de promociones y bonificaciones.
  • Puede utilizar el sitio encontrado para jugar una versión demo o registrarse y ya jugar juegos de azar por dinero real.
  • Todas las tragaperras utilizan gráficos modernos para que disfrute de la mejor experiencia de juego posible.

La aplicación no funcionará si no estás conectado a Internet (obviamente). Y por último, recuerda que necesitas tener una versión de Android de al menos cuatro coma cuatro para poder instalar y utilizar la aplicación. Sólo tienes que ir a la página web del casino y buscar el botón “Descargar para Android”.

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Bir kliklə qeydiyyatdan keçmək üçün əvvəlcə sayta daxil olmaq, daha sonra isə qeydiyyatdan keçmək düyməsini klikləmək, yaşayış ölkəsini və valyutanı seçmək lazımdır. Veb-saytın Azərbaycan dilinə tərcümə edilmiş olmasını nəzərə alsaq, burada oyunçular salamlama formasını asanlıqla tapa və onu düzgün formada doldura bilərlər. Hokkey oyunlarının marjası 6,5% (NHL, KHL) – 9,5% (digər liqalar) arasında dəyişir. Hokkey-ə mərc etmək də futbol və digər idman mərc növləri kimi çox asan və primitivdir. Bunun üçün digər idman mərc təlimatlarını izləməniz yetərlidir.

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Silicoin and GUMP be the partnership and held AMA on 25th Mar 2022

$GUMP is a reward token driven by the $PEOPLE community and can be thought of as a SocialFi experiment within $PEOPLE believers. Holders will be rewarded by providing liquidity or creating a referring link.

GUMP is fully decentralized, 95% of $GUMP is allocated in Uniswap Pool, 5% of $GUMP will be airdrop to $PEOPLE holders and $GUMP promoters.

What is the original intention of your team to build the Gump project?

We have witnessed the rise of DAO during the years. GUMPO DAO is written in a smart contract and deployed to the blockchain. Once deployed, they will consistently execute as written and cannot be changed, GUMP is a smart contact-powered project, we believe that its infrastructure could help reduce fraud among all parties involved in the blockchain.

Moreover, GUMP is a socialFi experience, SocialFi ecosystem is constantly thriving is growing strongly in the web 3.0 era. With the positions that SocialFi currently has, GUMP believes that this is a great development in the technology world and also a good way to ensure the personal interests of users in the virtual space.

What are the characteristics of GUMP that attracts users?

The development team of GUMP consists of a group of blockchain engineers and programmers who are obsessed with the DAO concept. Our philosophy is that all holders jointly provide liquidity, adhere to the value of $PEOPLE, and eventually form a DAO. So based on this, the $GUMP smart contract is completely open source and complex. It combines a deflationary economic model, a social reward mechanism and a liquidity mining mechanism, and it is believed that the reward program built into the GUMP smart contract will help the project go viral and increase the value of $PEOPLE and PeopleDAO.

What is the biggest challenge of $GUMP right now?

One of the challenges of the development of $GUMP is the high gas fee on Ethereum.

In response to this challenge, we are trying to use the expansion of Ethereum to reduce the gas fees. Although the ecology is still in its early stages, it is undeniable that some of the projects that have been launched are impressive and improving. There are also Layer2 solutions such as projects based on Optimistic Rollups or ZK-Rollups, which inherit all the security guarantees of Ethereum while providing their own ultra-efficient infrastructure.

Regardless, we will continue to advance the community development of $GUMP. You will definitely see a surge in the price of $GUMP

How to get Gump and talk about the expected return of investing in Gump?

$GUMP is now listed on Uniswap:

PEOPLE holders can also claim their GUMP airdrops:

Here are some tips to earn more $GUMPs.

1.Add liquidity pool to Uniswap V2

2.Send GUMP to a new address to create a new referral link.

The more LP tokens you have, the more rewards you will earn.

The more referral link you have , the more rewards you will earn.

Tell us what you think about DAO

In recent years, DAO experiments and models have emerged. Meanwhile, the overall outlook for all-in-one tools and DAOs for building DAO functionality remains the largest in the crypto industry. More and more young people are paying more and more attention to concepts such as democracy, freedom, and anti-exploitation, so DAO is likely to subvert the development of traditional organizational forms in the future. A good example is ConsititutionDAO, web3.0 and MEME concepts through “democracy, freedom” and “of the people, by the people, for the people” slogan, thus, forming a strong community consensus。

If trends like this continue, we might see large organizations, VCs, media and institutions built on open blockchains someday. Likewise, as the crypto user experience improves, DAOs may replace LLCs as the preferred organizational form in an increasingly digital world.

Picture the future of Gump

Our medium-term goal is to establish a DAO composed of people who hold $PEOPLE/$GUMP liquidity shares; and to form a concerted action person within the ConstitutionDAO, thereby influencing the future direction of $PEOPLE. Applying the concept of Fund of Fund (FoF), we call this organizational form DAO of DAO (DoD).

In the long run, ConstitutionDAO has the opportunity to form a consensus layer composed of people and rules, and develop into a new independent blockchain. At that time, our engineers and researchers will have the opportunity to participate in the establishment of this new order.

What is the future cooperation between Gump and SIT?

In the opinion of our Gump team, Silicoin is a project with the spirit of DAO. So, we will first carry out in-depth strategic cooperation in DAO. In addition, it is well known that WEB 3.0 is the general trend, so Gump and Silicoin will deeply explore the exploration of decentralized ID. I believe that both Gump and Silicoin in the future will have different degrees of investigation in their respective development directions, so the cooperation between us will have infinite possibilities.

SUPER WAR PET Game Gold Strategy

1: App preparation (download)

1. SUPER WAR PET game download:

2. Hotcoin Global Exchange:

3. TokenPoceket wallet:

4. Link to Decentralized Exchange (SWPCswap):

5. Mavericks VPN:




9. Google Play Store:

* The first four App are essential resources for participating in the game, the last four are tool software for participating in global community interaction, and the last one is the App store, which can be searched and downloaded in the App store that comes with the mobile phone. When you cannot download it through the link, you can try searching on Google Play.

1、Asset description:

1. SW-NFT: A necessary asset to participate in the game which it means the SUPER WAR PET.

2. SWPC: The token of the SUPER WAR PET.

3. ESTO: A circulating token of the SUPER WAR PET.

4. GCT, WCT, FCT: Three output assets in the SUPER WAR PET.

5. Life Potion: The daily necessary food for the SUPER WAR PET in the game, it must be fed before going out to battle.

3. Gold strategy:

1. Buy ESTO on Hotcoin Global Exchange and withdraw it to the game account.

2.Buy SWPC in the SWPCswap decentralized exchange and withdraw coins to the game account (special reminder, the SWPCswap transaction will deflate by 12%, that is, buy 100 tokens, and 88 tokens are actually received, and each withdrawal can only be transferred out of the account 90% of the total amount, the actual receipt will also be deflated by 12%).

3. Consuming 50USDT worth of ESTO + 2.5USDT worth of SWPC in the game can open a blind box to get a pet. Each account needs at least three pets and a maximum of five pets to form a team to play. Players with sufficient funds can buy multiple pets and form multiple teams to fight in groups of 5.

4. In the game’s wallet, exchange ESTO for a certain amount of GCT\FCT\WCT three resources to reserve the settlement consumption of the user’s game output (for example, to produce 100 GCTs, it needs to consume 20 FCT + 20 WCT), If there is no reserve, it will affect the output settlement. The amount of reserve can be determined according to the number of pets purchased by the player. The more pets, the more reserves are needed.


5. Set resource output: There is a “Output resource setting” button at the bottom of the wallet-asset, click and select the asset you want to output today (GCT\FCT\WCT choose one), according to GCT\FCT\WCT Exchange price to choose to maximize output.

6. Start the game: Return to the main interface and complete 5 victories in the three scenes of exploration, training tower and mysterious adventure to get the daily output income, and complete 5 rounds in the arena and win 3 battles to get today’s income .

7. Game mission description:

① Adventure mission: 50% output

For example, the GCT value of pet A is 100; the WCT value is 80, and the FCT value is 60; the maximum income of the player in the GCT copy is 50, and the maximum output in the WCT copy is 40 (a total of five times, the successful completion of the level is obtained once 10%);

② Exploration mission: 30% output

In the same way, if player A’s pet chooses to produce GCTs in battle, then A’s pet can get 100*30%=30 GCTs by completing the exploration task today (5 times, and 6% will be obtained once when the game is successful);

③ Training tasks: 10%

If player A’s pet chooses to produce GCTs in battle, then A’s pet will get 100*10%=10 GCTs by completing the training task today (5 times, and 2% will be obtained once when the level is successful);

④ Arena quest: 10%

If player A’s pet chooses to produce GCTs in the battle, then A’s pet will get 100*10%=10 GCTs by completing the PK task today (5 wins and 3 settlement rewards, and 3 loses with five rewards).

8. After completing all tasks every day, you can click the wallet to view the income of the day (be sure to check it before 24:00, if the consumption of resources is not enough, the income settlement will fail. When entering the wallet, the player will be reminded to replenish the resources and re-settlement the output of the day. .)

4. Tips

1. The exploration task and the training tower task need to be successfully completed in more than 16 levels to be profitable, each 5 times a day, and the resources obtained are the types of resources that the player has set for the day’s output (choose one from GCT\FCT\WCT).

2. Each pet in the PK mission has only 5 chances to play, and you need to win 3 rounds to get today’s reward.

3.The adventure mission needs to be successfully completed 5 times a day to get all the rewards.

4. Each pet has 5 chances to get rewards in the four missions, victory will be rewarded, and defeat will not be rewarded.

5. Players with multiple pets can form multiple teams of 5 to complete daily tasks to maximize profits.

6. In order to ensure the most efficient completion of tasks in the battle, be sure to check the satiety of each pet to be 100% before going to battle (less than 100% will affect the combat power of this pet).

7. Players who have more than one pet of the same pet are recommended to synthesize and upgrade the pet in the temple. The income, production capacity, and combat attributes of the pet after the synthesis and upgrade will be superimposed, and the efficiency will be higher.


5. Description of pet income

1. There will be 5 attributes (wind, fire, water, light, dark), 5 levels (N\R\S\RS\RSS five), 25 races (25 battle pet images) ).

2.War pet resource production capacity: The resource production capacity of each war pet is worth 125 USDT. When the resource production capacity is exhausted, this war pet will not be able to produce resources and only retain the game combat attributes. And synthesizing new pets is the only way to restore resource production.

3.Gold rush ability: Each pet will randomly generate three basic gold rush abilities of GCT\FCT\WCT. The gold rush value in the battle pet details indicates the maximum output ability of the three kinds of resources per day for this pet, the higher the level. The stronger your pet’s gold panning ability, the stronger your ability to generate resources during the game.

4. Average rate of return: tested by professional evaluation agencies:

The input-output return ratio of N-level pets is 0.3-0.8%/day,

The input-output return ratio of R-level pets is 0.8-1%/day,

The input-output return ratio of S-level pets is 1-1.25%/day,

The input-output return ratio of RS-level pets is 1.25-1.6%/day,

The input-output return ratio of RSS-level pets is 1.6-2.5%/day.

This is the theoretical maximum value. Factors affecting output include:

A. Does the type of output resource correspond to the resource output attribute value of the team pet? For example, if I choose to output FCT today, the main output of the battle pet is FCT, so the production capacity is maximized.

B. Game proficiency, to ensure that tasks can be completed every day.

5.Team strategy.

6. Use of wallet function

1. Basic functions: The wallet can recharge/withdraw/transfer all game tokens, but cannot transfer NFT, and NFT can be traded after the opening of the trading bank.

2.Swap function: When you need to participate in the game to earn gold, you can use ESTO to exchange for GCT/FCT/WCT. After you finish the gold, you can exchange the excess GCT/FCT/WCT for ESTO and then withdraw to the exchange to realize cash (remember Keep some for gold later).

3. Added liquidity: When you have a lot of ESTO and GCT/FCT/WCT, you can also take part of it into the liquidity pool, you can get pledge income, automatically earn transaction fees, and you can get it back at any time.

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If you keep hardcopy records, choose a filing system that gives you the easiest access to the information you need. Be sure to have a good physical filing system with folders clearly labeled and the most used files easily accessible. If you have confidential information, be sure you can lock your filing system.

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A bookkeeper helps small businesses keep an eye on the map and their surroundings so they can navigate perilous financial situations with ease. They track your accounts payable and accounts receivable, following up on overdue invoices when needed, so you’re always on top of your cash flow. Many bookkeepers have specific knowledge about the tools that link to your accounting software. They can make suggestions to make your life easier or save you money. For instance, your bookkeeper might recommend using an online receipt management tool like Hubdoc or a particular Shopify integration. Bookkeeping focuses on recording and organizing financial data, including tasks such as invoicing, billing, payroll and reconciling transactions.

Best Bookkeeping Services

Asset accounts start with the cash account since cash is perfectly liquid. After the cash account, there is the inventory, receivables, and fixed assets accounts. Firms also have intangible assets such as customer goodwill that may be listed on the balance sheet. If your company is larger and more complex, you need to set up a double-entry bookkeeping system. At least one debit is made to one account, and at least one credit is made to another account.

This can be challenging with the other commitments of operating a small business. You can feel confident managing your business’s finances with the right tools and knowledge in accounting and bookkeeping. Staying aware of how much your business is earning and where the money is going can help you make accurate decisions and focus on growing your how to meet your bookkeeping needs business. This concept is important because each accounting transaction impacts at least two accounts. Using the double-entry method, you can get a clearer picture of your business activity. And when it’s time to post a journal entry to your accounting system, the double-entry method accounts for debit entries, credit entries, and totals.

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Keeping up with the records in your small business might be a task you are willing and able to tackle yourself. The system you choose to use doesn’t need to be complicated and the ledgers should be straightforward, especially if you have just a few or no employees. The most important parts of doing your own bookkeeping are staying organized and keeping track of the details. In this article, you’ll learn more about what bookkeepers do, why they’re important to a business, and how much they earn.

Now that you know more about the power of automation compared to plain old accounting software let’s get back to SaaS metrics. Can you run a money-making venture without accurate bookkeeping? Live Bookkeeping Messaging connects you to a QuickBooks product expert. Though these experts can’t give you specific bookkeeping advice, they can answer your questions about QuickBooks or connect you to the right resources for bookkeeping help. You can take this exam from anywhere, as long as you have a reliable internet connection.

Do your own small-business bookkeeping

Being keen on details can also help prevent integrity issues related to your position. Regardless of how organized or tech-savvy you may be, if you consistently fail to meet your deadlines, there’s a good chance that your client will end your contract. Remember that you are considered as one of the pillars of your client’s financial system, so you must finish your tasks on time. If you want to become successful in this industry, you need to show your existing and potential clients that you are trustworthy and reliable. Since you will be presenting crucial data to your clients, it is important that you can do it coherently and effectively. You should know how to express yourself competently, especially if you will be dealing with various people.

This makes hiring an accountant more expensive than hiring a bookkeeper. Accountants are usually more skilled and in a more advanced position than bookkeepers. Being an accountant usually involves a higher level of interpreting and forecasting numbers than bookkeepers, who mainly just keep the records. Owning a small business requires you to make a constant stream of decisions, one after the next, day after day.

Mostly every business could find value in having someone look after their financial books and records. Once you’ve had some bookkeeping training, you’re ready for real-world bookkeeping jobs or experience. If you’re looking for a cloud-based bookkeeping software that doesn’t require hours of training, try FreshBooks.

If your bookkeeper doesn’t offer their own recommendations, make it clear you’re happy to receive them if they have any. There’s a good chance your bookkeeper will need something from your accountant and vice versa. Instead of planting yourself as a go-between, let them sort it out among themselves.

SUPER WAR PET Game Introduction Description

SUPER WAR PET Introduction

SUPER WAR PET is an intergalactic civilizational strategy elimination metaverse game. There are 25 races of NFT characters (SW-NFT) in the game, all of which have a random combination of appearance, attributes and skills by algorithm and each one is unique. After registering an account, players can use the game’s circulating tokens ESTO & a certain number of game equity tokens SWPC to open a blind box and have the chance to obtain a race of five qualities: Ordinary, Premium, Rare, Legendary and Perfect, or they can hatch a new SW-NFT by consuming a certain amount of resources from two NFTs of the same race, which has the chance to inherit the excellent attributes and skills of its parent character, making the game full of possibilities. Players are rewarded with Fire Crystals, Water Crystals and Green Crystals (the game’s resource-based TOKEN) by completing tasks such as adventures, leveling, training and PK, and can also acquire SWPCs (the game’s governance-based TOKEN) in leveling and ranking matches. Two SW-NFTs of the same race can be upgraded to higher level SW-NFTs by consuming resources to improve their overall combat and resource producing abilities, and players can use good SW-NFTs to challenge more difficult levels for higher returns. SUPER WAR PET is developed based on the BSC chain and the game is available worldwide in March 2022.

Economic Model: Dual Tokens

Functional tokens ESTO: limited distribution (500 million), obtained by completing daily adventures, training, leveling and PK quests and exchanging them for fire, water and green crystals, which can be used to summon new SW-NFT or exchange in the market.

Governance Token SWPC: A limited number of tokens (58 million), mainly obtained through in-game leveling and various rankings, can be used to summon, hatch and synthesise more SW-NFT races.

SW-NFT Acquisition

1、Consume 50 USDT worth of equivalent ESTO & 5 USDT of equivalent SWPC to summon a SW-NFT

2、Two SW-NFT of the same race can hatch a new SW-NFT by consuming certain resources.

3. SW-NFT can also be obtained by exchanging them in the in-game exchange market

ESTO Benefits Sources

1. After winning the free selection of resource maps in Adventure mode, you will be rewarded with 50% of the resource capacity.

2. A Completion of the daily 5 levels of the leveling task in the breakthrough mode will be rewarded with 30% of the resource capacity.

3. A Completion of the daily 5 levels of the Cultivation Tower can be rewarded 10% of the resource capacity.

4. Winning 6 games per day (10 games per day for one war pet) through PK tournament will be rewarded with 10% of resource capacity.

All rewards are settled in Fire Crystals, Water Crystals and Green Crystals. 20% of each of the other two resources need to be burned to receive the reward of one of the crystals. Fire Crystals, Water Crystals and Green Crystals can be exchanged for ESTO at any time and exchanged for profit.


SWPC Benefit Resources

1. Cultivate more powerful SW-NFT to challenge more difficult levels to get SWPC rewards

2. Get SWPC rewards for top ranking in ranking tournaments

Game Advantages

1. The development team is highly professional, allowing players to enjoy a high quality visual and gaming experience.

2. SW-NFT is composed of multiple parts randomly, each SW-NFT is unique and has unlimited possibilities and highly free secondary market exchange value.

3. ESTO is issued in limited quantities and requires ESTO to be summoned. The amount of resources produced to exchange for ESTO will be based on the market price, so that ESTO can maintain a long-term stable coin price.

4. Built in NFT exchange system, unused SW-NFT or rare SW-NFT can be circulated in the exchange market for profit.

5. SWPC adopts an extreme deflation model, which constantly burns tokens during the flow to maintain the scarcity of circulation. The innovative ‘One Token, One Price’ market-making exchange algorithm ensures that SWPC will rapidly appreciate in value as the number of users grows.

The Core Values

1. Abundant and free NFT Settings: In addition to the limited number of officially issued native SW-NFT, players can also obtain SW-NFT through hatching, and the process of synthesis and upgrading constantly deflates the circulation of SW-NFT in the market to guarantee the scarcity of SW-NFT.

2. Versatility: SUPER WAR PET technology and operators will continue to expand the application of NFT scenarios, so that NFT can play a higher value.

3. Economic system: rigorous economic model design and numerical design, sustainable product development.

4. DAO: game programming is closely related to the gamers.

5. Breakout and Tournaments: the battles are interesting and strategically rich, enabling the creation of global tournaments.

DEFI Gameplay

The game will continue to develop more NFT game maps in the future. The development and input of the game maps will be done by the technology and users together, participants can put their SWPC or ESTO holdings into the base map development,. In the future, a portion of the game assets produced by the players in the new maps will be given back to the players who involved in the game construction as well as technology development.

Fun Blind Box Gameplay

In addition to users being able to open blind boxes directly in the game by consuming the equivalent value of ESTO and SWPC to obtain SW-NFT, the game will also open a fun blind box game, where users can also open blind boxes in the fun blind box section. Each blind box costs 50USDT equivalent value of ESTO, users have a 50% chance to obtain SW-NFT after participating (the return on investment in capacity is roughly 120 days and 300 The other 50% will fail and the loser will receive a refund of the principal amount of the participating assets and a 5% bonus. Those who receive SW-NFT can choose to activate it (paying 5 USDT worth of SWPC) or request a refund (losing 10% of assets, i.e. 45 USDT worth of ESTO is returned).

Follow-up Plan

The follow-up plan is mainly in the form of DAO to get players involved and contribute to the game together. At present, apart from the launch version, the project has also made a sustainable version iteration plan internally, which includes: better NFT usage scenarios, richer NFT development line, more interesting game play, etc.



Q: How can I earn money from the game?

A: By completing in-game daily tasks (including completing 5 breakout tasks; 10 adventure tasks; 5 cultivation tasks; 10 PK tasks) to produce game assets Fire Crystal, Water Crystal and Green Crystal, which can be exchanged for ESTO at any time and exchanged for profit, or by opening the blind box to obtain SW-NFT to continue to participate in the game to produce resources or sell them directly for profit. Players can also earn SWPC rewards by participating in ranked matches or challenging more difficult levels.

Q: How many types of NFTs does the game have and what are they used for?

A: At the moment there is only 1 type of NFT, SW-NFT, which is the basis for you to play the game. It is the only way to interact with the various battles in the game and produce ESTO tokens and SWPC tokens.

Q: Is there a difference between the SW-NFT for blind box extraction?

A: There is a difference. SW-NFT is divided into 25 races, each race has five levels: Ordinary, Premium, Rare, Legendary and Perfect. 25 races have five attributes: water, wood, fire, light and darkness, which can be added to each other after teaming up to restrain different opponents in battle.

Q: What is the difference between the five levels of Ordinary, Premium, Rare, Legendary and Perfect?

A: The combat ability is different and the resource gathering ability is different. The resource gathering ability of war pets is 0.3-3%/day of the input; for example, 0.3-0.8%/day for Ordinary war pets, 0.6-1%/day for Premium, 0.8-1.25%/day for Rare, 1-1.6%/day for Legendary and 1.6-2.5%/day for Perfect. Resource gathering ability In addition to level, players’ grouping strategy, resource selection and game responsiveness during the game are all important factors in determining output effectiveness.

Q: What are the rules by which Fire Crystals, Water Crystal stones and Green Crystals are produced?

A: There are four daily tasks in the game that produce three types of resources. Each resource collection requires a team of 3-5 war pets to complete, and each mission can be completed by the player’s own choice of resources collected Fire Crystal, Water Crystal , Green Crystal), and the acquisition of one of the resources requires the consumption of 20% of each of the other two resources to settle the acquisition.

Q: What is the role of SWPC tokens and ESTO tokens in the game?

A: Both ESTO and SWPC tokens are essential assets for SW-NFT summoning, hatching and synthesis upgrades.

Q: What is special about the NFT in this game?

A: The appearance, attributes and skills of all NFT characters are randomly combined by algorithms and genetic control, giving them a high degree of freedom and randomness, making them more valuable for collection and appreciation when circulating in the secondary market.

Q: What is the combat like in this game? What are the special features?

A: As a strategy-based turn-based elimination game, each SW-NFT has attribute bonuses and attribute restraints. Teaming strategies and players’ speed during the elimination rounds will directly affect the outcome of the battle.

Q: Does the game require a lot of manual handling? What is the difficulty level?

A: The elimination game is a casual game that has been popular for decades. It is not difficult to operate and you can get started in 5 minutes.

Q: What is the role of the guild in the game?

A: Guilds are an important part of the SUPER WAR PET marketing process. They are the Information disseminators of game strategies and the biggest beneficiaries of the SUPER WAR PET game ecosystem.