I’ve Liked Her for a time. Carry Out I Inform Their?

Apr 28, 2023 News

Reader Question:

There’s this girl whom i have had crazy thoughts for. Some time ago, we discussed online dating, but the woman best friend wasn’t actually delighted because she actually had emotions personally.

Today the years have passed away and her friend is finished myself and our friendship provides blossomed. But I’m not sure what direction to go.

Would I ask the girl on a romantic date or inform their I had these feelings for a long period?

-Zac (Michigan)

Gina Stewart’s response:

Zac, entirely ask their away. See in which it is and go on it one-step at any given time. You don’t have to move from friends to heart friends per day.

You should not play the “I’ve had emotions individually for quite some time” credit. Which is huge play and could freak the lady completely. It is one thing you can easily point out at any time down the road once you understand her feelings are just as powerful.

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