A new generation of aggregated Web3 application platform ForMetas has established an ecological partnership with Cocos-BCX

Dec 19, 2022 News

BlockBeats news, on December 16, according to official news, ForMetas, a new generation of convergent Web3 application platform, and GameFi Service Provider Cocos-BCX officially reached a strategic cooperation and joined the Cocos-BCX ecosystem.

Users can directly participate in the Cocos-BCX ecosystem through ForMetas, and at the same time, they can pay through $Cocos to play a variety of games on ForMetas. In the future, the two parties will carry out more in-depth cooperation on games, pan-entertainment and other aspects, and jointly promote the large-scale application of Web3.

ForMetas is building a convergent Web3 application platform that provides users with a smooth and immersive entertainment experience. The goal is to establish a one-stop hub where users can obtain various entertainment resources in a fast, safe, license-free, incentivized and decentralized manner on one platform, including but not limited to a variety of chain games, live broadcasts, social , Metaverse and AR/VR applications. The first game, Gloryland, is currently in closed beta and is expected to be officially launched in January 2023.



The original text was translated from BlockBeats


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